Using Vision Boards to Power-Up Your Dreams & Goals

Using Vision Boards to Power-Up Your Dreams & Goals

The Science Behind Vision Boards

Vision boards rely on the power of visualization to rewire the brain. Your brain is an amazing organ that loves to be stimulated by learning and processing new information. However, one important study found that the brain doesn’t have the capacity to distinguish between a vision of the future and memory. This is where the magic of visualization can be harnessed. 

When you learn something new, such as how to drive a car or bake a cake, your brain makes a new memory of that activity. The more you repeat the action, the more that memory becomes imprinted in your brain. Over time, a new neural pathway is formed, which transforms the memory into a learned behavior or a habit.

Remember, your brain can’t differentiate between the real physical experience of doing something and your imagination. When you visualize something, your brain will create a memory in the same way – and respond to it as if it were real!

The Law of Attraction

The law of attraction states that everything in the universe is energy, including our thoughts. Positive thoughts attract positive energy that over time will manifest into reality.

The law of attraction is a scientifically-proven natural law, but whether it applies to thoughts in this way has not been conclusively proven. When it applies to vision boards, it can be viewed more as a philosophy.

Creating Your Vision Board

Creating a vision board is a super simple, fun activity that will bring out your creative inner child. It’s a simple and straightforward process that requires no specific skills. Best of all, most of the materials needed are probably available in your home and if not, cost very little to buy. 

Materials you may need:

  • Any type of board- regular poster board, a corkboard or a magnetic board. 20-30 inches is a good size. 
  • Glue stick, tape, pins or magnetic holders depending on the type of board you’re using.
  • Scissors
  • Colored markers, glitter, stickers, bits of ribbon or other decorating materials of your choice. These are totally optional. You’re free to make your vision board as simple or as decorative as you like.
  • Magazines
  • Personal photos of yourself, friends or places.
  • Internet images. Again, this is optional but keep in mind that you will need a color printer for these.  

Create your vision board by attaching images and quotes related to your vision and embellish it with the decorations of your choice.

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